Friday 2/26 at 10:45AM Pacific I will be interviewed on “Women and Legends Who Really Rock”

Friday 2/26 at 10:45 AM Pacific

Women (and Legends) Who Really Rock! with Carmen Milagro

Recent inductee into the International Museum of Women in San Francisco, Carmen Milagro takes you on a creative & musical journey every week, and celebrates “Women and Legends Who Really Rock! You can “rock” as an artist you can rock as a “vocalist, a writer, a lyricist, the leader of the band”.…BUT you can also rock as a human being, as a “leader, caretaker or role model for children”, and “rock” as a vehicle for social change or you can rock as a “parent, teacher or shaman”… that’s my personal definition of someone who REALLY rocks. I created these shows Women and Legends Who REALLY Rock! as a means to feature, nurture, encourage, support and give voice to those who are changing their world! These are people of all ages, ethnicities and lifestyles who are involved in any way shape or form in music, business, film and video, any of the arts, education & parenting, media, design and even politics. Basically, on the radio show we’ll just “talk” on the phone, something we do every day of our lives, we’ll share stories and ideas, play some music, tell you about special events, answer your questions and will primarily, feature interviews with musical colleagues, friends and celebrities in the entertainment business too!

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